Education Outreach
Through our Education and Outreach, we reach many underserved populations and provide opportunities for engagement in the fine arts. We do this through our Academy of Theatre Arts programming. One way we do this is to partner with out-of-school-time providers to bring theatre education to the youth of our community, in their afterschool environments.
Organizations we have worked with include
- Communities in Schools
- El Concilio
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo
- Paramount Charter Academy
- WoodsEdge Learning Center
- Interfaith Community Center
- Eastside Youth Strong
- Ark
- Camp Sunshine
- Kalamazoo Public Library
If your non-profit organization offers out-of-school programming for youth and would like to learn more about our Outreach Programs, please contact our Director of Education and Outreach.
Our Theatre to Your Classroom
We will bring the excitement of a field trip right to your classroom. These ready-to-go theatre workshops focus on singing, dancing or acting. To explore our programs or to plan the perfect experience specific to the learning goals for your classroom, please contact our Director of Education and Outreach.

Special Events
In addition to specific learning programs, we offer behind-the-scenes tours and special events tailored to your group or interests. To collaborate with our Director of Education and Outreach to create a one-of-a-kind experience for your program, please email.
Featured Programs and Partnerships
Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) – We are proud to partner with Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) each year to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The program offers youth the opportunity to share their voices in celebration of Dr. King. (link to video)
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo – We are pleased to host the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo each summer for their Summer Arts Showcase. Youth participate in 4-hour sessions each day, 4 days a week, for 9 weeks. Participants work with a director/choreographer and a musical director to take risks and gain confidence, while using theatre as the medium to accomplish this. Youth have the opportunity to explore “behind the scenes” theatre skills such as lighting, painting and props. The Summer Arts Spectacular concludes with a full production of a musical, with lights, sound, music, all before a live audience. Significantly, this experience is offered at no cost to the participants, which is made possible through the generous support of our Foundation Sponsors.
El Concilio – We are pleased to offer after-school programming at El Concilio at no cost to participants and their families. In the summer of 2023, we offered the first-of-its-kind learning opportunity that extended the after-school enrichment classes. For 8 weeks, 3 hours each week, youth participants worked to learn the songs, dances and scene work for the musical, Pajama Party. Participants then enjoyed the excite of performing this piece for loved ones at the end of the program on stage in the Civic Auditorium.
Kalamazoo Parks and Recreation (Kzoo Parks) – We partner with Kazoo Parks each summer to offer free weekly performing arts workshops. This program concludes with a Youth and Teen Talent Show in Bronson Park.